
I manly used two different devices/ technology for this project. The first was my iphone, I used this to pick out the pictures I wanted to from my camera roll. Then I used it to make the commercial and add music to that. After that I put the text I need to and uploaded back to my camera roll. I had too learn how to use cap-cut for this video. The next device I use was my computer. I used this too upload my video to You-tube then too blogger. I had too learn how to upload a video to you-tube for this. I learn how to use apps like You-tube, Cap-cut, and blogger. Before we started this I had no idea what blogger was. I did not no how to upload a video to youtube. I had no idea how make a video with cap-cut. Using blogger allowed me to write the productions blogs and every other blog. Using Cap-Cut allowed to make the commercial. Using You-Tube allowed me to upload the the video easier. What I think I would have done different is nothing. I liked the way by commercial come...