Title research: Things heard and seen How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the ou
The Titles that are being displayed are:
"Netflix presents"
"A likely story production"
"In association with seconds winds productions"
"A film by Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman"
"Things heard and seen"
"Casting by Jeanne McCarthy, csa & Rori Bergman, csa"
"Music by Peter Raeburn"
"Music supervisor Linda Cohen"
"Costume designer April Napier"
"Edited by Louis Ford & Andrew Mondshein, ace"
"Production designer Lester Cohen"
"Director of photography Larry Smith, bsc"
"Executive productions Robert Pulcini Shari Springer Berman"
"Executive productions Peter Pastorelli Stephen Lippross"
"Produced by Anthony Bregman"
"Produced by Julie Cohen"
"Based on the novel 'All things cease to appear' by Elizabeth Brundage"
"Written for the screen and directed by Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini"
The image that is being played during the opening sequence is:
A film projector projecting a painting, we push into the painting until its the real world.
What feeling are being established when watching the opening sequence?
The opening sequence establishes a eerie feeling because all we see is snowy, dark wood with no one around.
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