Title research: guardians of the galaxy vol 2

 What titles are displayed? To begin with, the first title to be shown was the title of the movie in very big, bold words. Then the scene continues as the names of the main characters are shown one by one. After the main characters were shown, the actors with the more smaller roles appeared on screen. Finally, after the cast, came the casting director, the associate producer, the music supervisor, the visual effects supervisor, the costume designer, the editors, and any other main roles in the production of the movie. Finally, the executive producers are given one by one and the writer of the movie is shown. What images are prioritized? Mainly, during this opening sequence, the audience is shown all of the main characters in the group fighting off an alien and projecting what most of the movie will be. How does this establish the feeling of the genre? This opening sequence left people on the edge of their seats while the characters fought a huge, intimidating alien. It really made all of them question whether the group would be able to survive this and how they would pull it off.


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