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For the video me and my partner will use a various about of props and costumes. Each characters will have their own outfit though out the whole video to show who they are. The only people who will different outfits is Vivian and Hazel. This is because they are the main characters and this will show movement though out. Jessica the main bully will be wearing a pencil shirt and a tank top with black converse. The next person is Aaron Nelsen. He will be wearing a hoodie with baggie jeans and a baseball cap. Nicole Wilson is also part of the friend group. She will be wearing black legging with a hoodie and pink converse. Matt brown is the next victim. He will be wearing baggy dickey pants with a t-shirt and a beanie. Penelope will be wearing low rise shorts and a knitted sweater. Lastly Vivian's outfits. The first outfit we will see Vivian in is a pair of jorts and a have cut sweater. Then she will wear all black with a face coving, this is when she is murdering people....
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For the video, my partner and I are planning on film at 3 different places. The first place is my house. In my house we will shoot the scenes Vivian and Hazel are in the Hazel bedroom. Hazel is giving Vivian a icepack. We will also film the part were they are coming up with the plan to kill the people in my house. We will also film the part were Vivian pushes Matt brown into a pool at my house. This is because I have a pool. The next scene we will film at my partners Reagan house. We will film the school scenes. Where Vivian is getting bullied my Jessica Kennedy. We will also shoot Aron Nelson walking into a dark alley by himself. From there getting killed. The place we are planning on shooting is at a park. From there we will shoot the scene where Nicholas Wilson gets suffocated by a rope. We will shoot a close-up of Penelope’s wrist is and Vivian is seen grabbing and slitting it. We will shoot the before of Vivian and Hazel putting up the pic of the people on ...
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When Reagan and her friend were at my house we were able to get a lot of work done. However we also bonded a lot as well. For dinner that night I made chicken nuggets. Then after we chilled in my hammock. While in the hammock we discuss how we want to film the next few scenes. We also talked about life and other stuff. After chilling in the hammock for a little Reagan had to leave. So it was just me and Scott. Scout is Reagan friend. He also shot most of the videos. We designed to film the scene where Aaron Nelson is walking into a dark alleyway. Aaron Nelson was played by Scott. For this scene I was coved in fake blood. We used red food dye. Also blue dish soap. Then we spread it all over body. We did it all over my arms. We even put it on my face to get a scarier effect. After that we went to a dark ally near my house. Then I shot him walking into it. Then he shot me walking out of the ally, with fake blood and a bloody knife coming out of the ally. Then from there he had to go ...
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We started filming this video yesterday. My team and I went to my house to film most of the kill scenes and the bedroom scene of Hazel ranting to Vivian. My partners friend also came over to my house to help us film. After we film the bedroom scene, we did the scene were Nicholas Wilson is suffocate by a rope. After that I changed into my Penelope Smith outfit. This include pink converse that I own. Hazel and Viv designed they needed kill Penelope because she was always cutting their hair. So Hazel and Viv want to cut Penelope wrist. How we did this was my making fake blood on a fake knife. We took a cup and mixed in red food coloring and blue dish soap. After that we put it on the knife. From there we film the scene. How we did was my me grabbing her arm and "slitting it", and letting the blood drip down. After that we were planning on filming more however it was late and we were a little hungry. So I made chicken nuggets for all us to share. Reagan had to sadly leave soon ...
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We finally started filming the trailer. After school my team and our friend came over to my house and we starting filming. I drove my team mate to house and we started planning what we wanted to film for the day. We designed to film the bedroom scene where Hazel and Vivian realize they need to kill there bullies. We also designed to film most of the kill scene. For example Aaron Nelson being shown walking into a dark ally and Hazel coming out that ally with a bloody knife. Also where Vivian walks towards Nicholas Wilson and uses a rope to suffocate her. By the time that we finished planning, our friend came over. From there we changed into our Hazel and Vivian outfits and starting filming. The fist scene we did was the bedroom scene where Hazel and Vivian realize they need to kill there bullies. We shot this in my sister because easier. She has a bed close to the ground while I have bunkbed and in the scene Hazel and Viv need to sit on the bed. In this scene Viv was just beat...